RuntimeError: Wrong inputs arguments, Please refer to examples(help(jt.ops.array)).

在执行下面函数里的jittor_target = jittor.array(target, dtype=jittor.int64)出现报错:

    def _mask_transform(self, mask):
        # 将 PIL.Image 转换为 numpy 数组
        mask_np = np.array(mask).astype('int32')
        print(f"mask_np type: {type(mask_np)}, mask_np dtype: {mask_np.dtype}, mask_np shape: {mask_np.shape}")
        print(f"mask_np min value: {mask_np.min()}, mask_np max value: {mask_np.max()}")

        # 应用 _class_to_index 方法
        target = self._class_to_index(mask_np)
            f"target after _class_to_index type: {type(target)}, target dtype: {target.dtype}, target shape: {target.shape}")
        print(f"target min value: {target.min()}, target max value: {target.max()}")

        # 将结果转换为 numpy 数组并设置数据类型
        target = np.array(target).astype('int64')
        print(f"target type: {type(target)}, target dtype: {target.dtype}, target shape: {target.shape}")
        print(f"target min value: {target.min()}, target max value: {target.max()}")

        # 检查异常值
        if np.any(np.isnan(target)):
            print("target contains NaN values")
        if np.any(np.isinf(target)):
            print("target contains infinite values")

        # 尝试转换为 jittor.array
            jittor_target = jittor.array(target, dtype=jittor.int64)
            print(f"jittor_target type: {type(jittor_target)}, jittor_target dtype: {jittor_target.dtype}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error converting to Jittor array: {e}")
            import traceback

        return jittor_target


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/fdlnet_jittor/core/data/dataloader/", line 110, in _mask_transform
    jittor_target = jittor.array(target, dtype=jittor.int64)
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor/", line 382, in array
    ret = ops.array(np.array(data, dtype))
RuntimeError: Wrong inputs arguments, Please refer to examples(help(jt.ops.array)).

Types of your inputs are:
 self	= module,
 args	= (ndarray, ),

The function declarations are:
 VarHolder* array__(PyObject* obj)

Failed reason:[f 0704 15:44:37.671641 36 helper_cuda.h:128] CUDA error at /home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor/src/mem/allocator/  code=3( cudaErrorInitializationError ) cudaMallocHost(&ptr, size)


(fdlnet_j) llf@XY-TITAN-RTX:/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/fdlnet_jittor/scripts$ python --model fdlnet --backbone resnet50 --dataset night --aux
[i 0704 15:44:33.382103 92] Jittor( src: /home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor
[i 0704 15:44:33.388335 92] g++ at /usr/bin/g++(5.5.0)
[i 0704 15:44:33.388413 92] cache_path: /home/llf/.cache/jittor/jt1.3.8/g++5.5.0/py3.8.19/Linux-4.15.0-1x37/IntelRXeonRGolx4e/default
[i 0704 15:44:33.417804 92] cuda_driver_version: [12, 1]
[i 0704 15:44:33.418458 92] restart /home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/bin/python ['', '--model', 'fdlnet', '--backbone', 'resnet50', '--dataset', 'night', '--aux']
[i 0704 15:44:33.668282 36] Jittor( src: /home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor
[i 0704 15:44:33.676400 36] g++ at /usr/bin/g++(5.5.0)
[i 0704 15:44:33.676649 36] cache_path: /home/llf/.cache/jittor/jt1.3.8/g++5.5.0/py3.8.19/Linux-4.15.0-1x37/IntelRXeonRGolx4e/default
[i 0704 15:44:33.702405 36] cuda_driver_version: [12, 1]
[i 0704 15:44:33.711586 36] Found /home/llf/.cache/jittor/jtcuda/cuda11.2_cudnn8_linux/bin/nvcc(11.2.152) at /home/llf/.cache/jittor/jtcuda/cuda11.2_cudnn8_linux/bin/nvcc.
[i 0704 15:44:33.782424 36] Found gdb(8.1.1) at /usr/bin/gdb.
[i 0704 15:44:33.790506 36] Found addr2line(2.30) at /usr/bin/addr2line.
[i 0704 15:44:33.942985 36] cuda key:cu11.2.152_sm_75
[i 0704 15:44:34.337327 36] Total mem: 125.56GB, using 16 procs for compiling.
[i 0704 15:44:34.442261 36] Load cc_path: /usr/bin/g++
[i 0704 15:44:34.562010 36] Found cuda archs: [75,]
[i 0704 15:44:34.593657 36] Found mpicc(2.1.1) at /usr/bin/mpicc.
[i 0704 15:44:36.739931 36] CUDA enabled.
2024-07-04 15:44:36,747 semantic_segmentation INFO: Using 1 GPUs
2024-07-04 15:44:36,747 semantic_segmentation INFO: Namespace(aux=True, aux_weight=0.4, backbone='resnet50', base_size=520, batch_size=4, crop_size=480, dataset='night', device='cuda', distributed=False, epochs=50, jpu=False, local_rank=0, log_dir='../runs/logs/', log_iter=10, lr=0.0001, model='fdlnet', momentum=0.9, no_cuda=False, num_gpus=1, resume=None, save_dir='~/.torch/models', save_epoch=10, skip_val=False, start_epoch=0, use_ohem=False, val_epoch=1, warmup_factor=0.3333333333333333, warmup_iters=0, warmup_method='linear', weight_decay=0.0001, workers=4)
self.root: {} ../../datasets/night
Found 2998 images in the folder ../../datasets/night/images/train
self.root: {} ../../datasets/night
Found 1299 images in the folder ../../datasets/night/images/val
[w 0704 15:44:37.182724 36]  The `Parameter` interface isn't needed in Jittor, this interface
does nothings and it is just used for compatible.

A Jittor Var is a Parameter
when it is a member of Module, if you don't want a Jittor
Var menber is treated as a Parameter, just name it startswith
underscore `_`.

2024-07-04 15:44:37,185 semantic_segmentation INFO: Start training, Total Epochs: 50 = Total Iterations 37450
mask type: <class 'PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile'>
mask_np type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, mask_np dtype: int32, mask_np shape: (480, 480)
mask_np min value: 0, mask_np max value: 26
target after _class_to_index type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, target dtype: int32, target shape: (480, 480)
target min value: -1, target max value: 13
target type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, target dtype: int64, target shape: (480, 480)
target min value: -1, target max value: 13
Error converting to Jittor array: Wrong inputs arguments, Please refer to examples(help(jt.ops.array)).

Types of your inputs are:
 self	= module,
 args	= (ndarray, ),

The function declarations are:
 VarHolder* array__(PyObject* obj)

Failed reason:[f 0704 15:44:37.671641 36 helper_cuda.h:128] CUDA error at /home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor/src/mem/allocator/  code=3( cudaErrorInitializationError ) cudaMallocHost(&ptr, size)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/fdlnet_jittor/core/data/dataloader/", line 110, in _mask_transform
    jittor_target = jittor.array(target, dtype=jittor.int64)
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor/", line 382, in array
    ret = ops.array(np.array(data, dtype))
RuntimeError: Wrong inputs arguments, Please refer to examples(help(jt.ops.array)).

Types of your inputs are:
 self	= module,
 args	= (ndarray, ),

The function declarations are:
 VarHolder* array__(PyObject* obj)

Failed reason:[f 0704 15:44:37.671641 36 helper_cuda.h:128] CUDA error at /home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor/src/mem/allocator/  code=3( cudaErrorInitializationError ) cudaMallocHost(&ptr, size)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/miniconda3/envs/fdlnet_j/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jittor/dataset/", line 258, in _worker_main
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/fdlnet_jittor/core/data/dataloader/", line 63, in __getitem__
    img, mask = self._sync_transform(img, mask)
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/fdlnet_jittor/core/data/dataloader/", line 86, in _sync_transform
    img, mask = self._img_transform(img), self._mask_transform(mask)
  File "/home/ubuntu/hdd2/llf/fdlnet_jittor/core/data/dataloader/", line 117, in _mask_transform
    return jittor_target
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'jittor_target' referenced before assignment

[e 0704 15:44:37.673297 36] Caught SIGINT, quick exit

